Redsenol Health Blog


Cancer pain and music therapy

When we know we get cancer, a fear of going dying troubles us relentlessly in psychological condition and challenges our understanding of suffering arising from cancer. Unfortunately, it is not yet enough for the...


Easy workouts during social distancing

Due to the Covid-19 epidemic, we are and will be confined to our houses for a long period. Most of us do eating and sleeping every day, and the epidemic disrupts our weight loss...

Keep blood vessels young with these six tips 0

Ways to help control hereditary high cholesterol

You may feel curious when knowing that people develop hypercholesterolemia, known as high cholesterol, at a very early age, even though they are neither smokers, alcohol drinkers nor living with bad lifestyles. In this...

Nutrition tips for cancer patients 0

Ways to prevent calcium deficiency

It is common sense that young and old people need calcium supplementation. This shall not mean that you don’t need to supplement calcium since you are not among them. As we enter our 30s,...