Redsenol Health Blog

Panax Notoginseng 0

Panax notoginseng exhibiting anti-tumor activities

In Chinese medicine, Panax notoginseng has great properties in anti-tumor activities, such as eliminating blood stasis, improving blood circulation. The steamed form is used in anemia treatment by increasing the production of various blood...


Walk to reduce cancer risk

Cancer has become the leading cause of death, and its morbidity and mortality are rising, posing a great threat to public health. Cancer prevention and treatment are closely related to people’s life.  Thus the...

smoker 0

How do smokers prevent cancer?

The risk of lung cancer is getting higher and higher, which has a great relationship with the growth rate of smokers. Then, how could smokers prevent themselves from lung cancer? First, eating alkaline foods...


Sweating drives away cancer

     For cancer patients, recovery from cancer cannot be separated from physical rehabilitation. Sweating will contribute to excreting carcinogenic substances and reducing cancer cells.      Appropriate physical exercise is essential to cancer...


Healthy food: Nuts

Nuts are foods which contain large amounts of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory elements. Eating nuts, esp. the below three kinds of nuts, could not only benefit the heart healthy, but also for prominent cancer prevention....


Unexpected changes from one-hour walking

Perhaps you will think that walking is a simple exercise that it won’t do many changes to the body. However, it’s reported that a series of positive physiological changes will occur to our body...

How Exercise Performs in Cancer Prevention 0

How exercise performs in cancer prevention

Exercising helps to revitalize our life by strengthening our body immunity system, preventing people from illness. In order to benefit from exercising to the largest extent, a scientific choice on the sport should be...

Five healthy tips for anti-aging 0

Five healthy tips for anti-aging

Every person now alive is aging. There is an incredible amount of attention given to “Anti-Aging”. Though aging is irreversible, keeping the below five in mind and sticking to them will do a great...

Ginsenosides: Light for cancer treatment 0

Ginsenosides: Light for cancer treatment

Actually, ginseng itself could not act anti-cancer; the anti-cancer ingredients of ginseng indeed is ginsenosides — the metabolic products of processed ginseng. Ginseng occupies a prominent position on the list of best natural health...